we are

who we are

Human security NGO that was born on November, 2001 and is registered with the Humanitarian Aid Commission. JASMAR establishment was a response to the ERW threats on one hand and encouraged by the global campaign against landmines on the other hand

our missions


Response to emergency humanitarian needs whenever feasible while linking it to rehabilitation development


Implementation of the community, personal and other relevant Human Security components like Food Security, health and economic rights


Advocacy for inclusion of all vulnerable groups as well as ensuring political and Human Rights of all Sudanese

Our Collaborations

Staff Members

Our Branches


The city is administratively and socially divided into Diems (ديم) or districts. The famous Deims are Deim Bakr, Deim El Nur, Diem Al Khama, Abakar Jibriel, Al- midan, Deim Abbas, Deim Saukin, Deim Sa'ad, Deim Hamad, Janayin, Abbayo, Nasr, Selamt El-Bey, Al Israa, Al Malik, A Nadher, Al Tadamun, Al Danagla, Al Jumhouriya, Al Mufaqaat, Al Syool, Al Mourada, Barnu, Badr, Marco, Al Rabaa, Ruwina, Addona, Taradona, Karfis, Al Kababish, Karrari, Al Mahrouga, Al Sufi, Al Muwazafien, Army Barracks and Police Barracks. Greater Gedaref includes many rural districts and villages such as Um Shagara, Al- Faw, Wad addida, Sabouniya, Koum Shitta, Um sawani, Um Sunaebra, Id Altin, Kassab, Al Samina, Shasheina, Al Hwata, Al Houri, AlMatna, and Al Shuwak. In 1994 Gedaref became the capital of Al-Qadarif State which includes Gedaref city, Faw, Gallabat, and Fashaga areas.